Customer Testimonial

Our customers love the longevity of our American flags! Below is an example of just one of our customers that has returned year after year to buy United States of America Flags from us:

Champion Chevrolet-Cadillac is the Largest Chevrolet Dealer in the State of Tennessee*, and is just one example of our loyal customers that get longevity out of their REINFORCED, SUPER STRONG American Flags.

Champion Chevrolet-Cadillac, for 10 years, has flown 9 of our SUPER STRONG, REINFORCED 30 X 60 foot American flags twenty-four-seven. These beautiful flags have averaged 15.4 months each. Champion Chevrolet-Cadillac is still flying one of our impressive USA Flags!

*We supply the state of Missouri and the Tennessee's Government with Patriotic items... Such as 1,000s of Tennessee, American Military Flags, Lapel Pins, Custom Bic Pens, and more.

Over 2,300 Chick-Fil-A locations fly American Flags.